Objective of the training
The aim is to train scientific experts who have an exhaustive understanding of all the numerical, experimental and theoretical methods and tools in a wide range of turbulence applications, from industrial flows to astrophysics, including geosciences (atmosphere, oceans, rivers), the environment (meteorology, air quality), aeronautics, energy and transport. Students who choose this course will want to become experts in fluid mechanics and turbulence before moving on to an application in a specific field. The M2 TMA offers an innovative pedagogical approach by refocusing the teaching on the scientific discipline, in this case turbulence, and all the approaches that allow its analysis, with a unique interdisciplinary vision.
Course content
M2-semester 1: 30 ECTS
turbulence processes courses : 15 ECTS
- Theoretical Physics of turbulence 3 ECTS (L. Canet)
- Two phase turbulent flows 3 ECTS ( P. sechet, G. Balarac, N. Machicoane)
- Compressible turbulence 3 ECTS (C. Brun, Pierre Hily-Blant)
- Dynamo effect and rotation in turbulence 3 ECTS (R. Deguen, N. Schaeffer, D. Cebron)
- Wave turbulence 3 ECTS (N. Mordant, P. Augier, M. Gibert)
advanced courses: 9 ECTS
- Advanced experimental methods 3 ECTS: Practical work on turbulence (aerodynamic wind tunnel, Coriolis rotating tank, wave channel, in situ measurements...) (M. Gibert, E. Negretti, C. Brun, H. Michalet, N. Mordant, H. Djeridi)
- Advanced numerical methods 3 ECTS: HPC for Navier-Stokes equations (DNS, RANS, LES) (G. Balarac, C. Picard, P. Augier)
- Bilingualism French/English understanding 3 ECTS: bibliographic projects & seminars (Univ Poitiers : P. Moffatt, SDL : S. Perraud, CUEF FLE : A. Braibant)
turbulence and applications courses : 6 ECTS (1 or 2 courses to be chosen)
- Aerodynamics 3 ECTS : Control and wall turbulence M2 TMA (opening 2023) (S. Tardu)
- Applied Mathematics 3 ECTS: GPU for Mathematical Models M2 MSIAM (C. Picard, M. Ismail)
- Astrophysics 3 ECTS: Dynamics of astrophysical plasmas M2 Astrophysique (J. Ferreira, B. Cerutti, G. Lesur)
- Artificial Intelligence 0 ECTS : Introduction to Deep Learning formation CNRS/MIAI (J.-L. Parouty)
- Geophysics 6 (3+3) ECTS : Waves and instabilities in geophysical fluids M2 STPE (R. Deguen, D. Cebron)
- Ocean 3 ECTS: data assimilation in geosciences M2 STPE (E. Cosme)
- Atmosphere 3 ECTS: Turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer M2 TMA (opening 2023) (C. Brun, J.M. Cohard)
- Environnement 6 (3+3) ECTS : Numerical Simulation in environmental engineering 3A E3 filière HOE (J. Chauchat)
- Process Engineering 6 (3+3) ECTS: heat transfer M2 GDP pour l'énergie (O. Bulliard-Sauret)
- Machine learning in Earth Sciences 3 ECTS : Introduction M2 STPE (L. Moreau, E. Cosme)
M2-semester 2 : 30 ECTS
- M2 Research or R&D internship 5 months (24 ECTS)
- M1 laboratory internship 2 months (6 ECTS) or 6 ECTS among turbulence and applications courses